Hey, NimNim fam! Even though this is such a scary and uncertain time, it has been so comforting to be surrounded by the joy, warmth, and kindness of this holiday season. Every day, people are choosing generosity and are actively trying to make our community a better place. We hope one of the ways you’ve all been doing that has been by wearing a mask and social distancing! COVID times have been frightening for a lot of people for many reasons, so it’s more important than ever to fight for the common good. Even if social distancing and wearing a mask can be inconvenient, it is a small price to pay for the sake of our healthcare workers on the front lines, our families, friends, and our communities.

 In the spirit of giving and generosity, we’ve implemented a new feature that can be the perfect gift for a loved one or anyone else in your life: NimNim gift cards! A NimNim gift card is ideal for someone who does not have a laundry setup at home, or even someone who just hates doing laundry! We know these are trying times and it can be difficult to make ends meet. If you’re in the position to do so, give a NimNim gift card to someone in need. All you need to do is follow this link: https://squareup.com/gift/30E7TD8135H0B/order. Then, just insert the amount and recipient.

NimNim's gift card

Expenses like laundry pile up, and that’s why our cost-effective model is so convenient. Take away the hassle and stress of laundry and you have the potential to make someone’s holiday season a bit brighter. What sets NimNim apart from the competition is our delivery-based model. If you don’t have a laundry setup at home, both COVID times and the increasingly harsh weather (we’re looking at you, Boston NimNim fam!) can make going to the laundromat inaccessible and inconvenient. As the days get darker earlier and earlier, little bits of kindness become more and more important and meaningful.

Snowfall season image

Just go to the NimNim app, place your order, and we’ll take care of the rest. As a college student myself, I cannot tell you how much I wish I knew about this service during my freshman year; NimNim is such a game-changer for so many people. Finally, consider NimNim because of our customization options inside our app. Hate the smell of detergent? No problem, we have non-scented options. Need a cold wash? We’ll cover that, too. The bottom line is that NimNim works on the customer’s terms.

We hope you all have a merry, safe, and healthy holiday season, no matter what you do or don’t celebrate! Happy holidays!


Your friends at NimNim


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